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code to wordpress

Unleashing the Power Code To WordPress: 6 Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your Blog Posts

Table of Contents

Comprehensive Guide to Displaying Code to WordPress in Your Blog Posts

Many WordPress users struggle to display raw code to WordPress snippets within their blog posts. If you’re one of them, don’t worry! We’ll be unmasking the mysteries behind the process in this guide, diving deep into the realms of WordPress and unlocking the secrets to showcasing raw codes efficiently.

code to wordpress

Section 1: Why Display Raw Codes on WordPress?

Before plunging headfirst into the mechanics, let’s briefly touch on the importance of displaying raw codes on your WordPress blog posts. This feature is invaluable for anyone with code-centric content, such as programming tutorials, software reviews, or technical articles. By presenting raw codes, you pave the way for direct, hands-on learning, elevating your content’s value for your tech-savvy audience.

Section 2: Problems Faced When Embedding Raw Codes

Are you stumbling upon difficulties when trying to embed raw codes into your WordPress posts? You’re not alone. WordPress, by default, interprets these codes and may render them unexpectedly. Here’s how you can overcome these obstacles and streamline the process.

Section 3: Using HTML Entities for Displaying Raw Codes

HTML entities can prove to be a reliable companion in your quest. Replace < and > symbols with their HTML entity equivalents (&lt; and &gt; respectively). This ensures that WordPress doesn’t mistake your code for actual HTML. Let’s get a sense of what this looks like in practice.

Hello, World!

Section 4: The Power of WordPress Plugins

The realm of WordPress plugins is expansive, and they can significantly simplify the process of displaying raw codes on your blog posts. Here are some top-tier plugins that could become your new best friends.

4.1: Enlighter

Enlighter is a powerful, customizable syntax highlighter. With it, you can easily display raw code snippets clearly and visually appealingly. Its extensive features make it an all-time favorite among WordPress users.

4.2: SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

This plugin offers an efficient way to manage code snippets on your blog posts. It’s based on the popular SyntaxHighlighter JavaScript package, allowing you to post syntax-highlighted code without losing its formatting or making manual changes.

4.3: Prism

The Prism plugin is renowned for its lightweight structure and extensibility. It supports various languages and plugins, ensuring a seamless experience with code snippets.

Section 5: Step-by-Step: Displaying Raw Codes with Plugins

Let’s delve into the specifics of embedding raw codes with the help of WordPress plugins. The process varies slightly from plugin to plugin, but the overall methodology remains similar. Here’s a typical sequence of actions to follow:

  1. Install and activate your chosen plugin.
  2. Visit the plugin’s settings and customize as needed.
  3. Embed your code snippets within your posts using the designated shortcodes.

Voila! Your raw codes should now display beautifully on your WordPress blog posts.

Section 6: A Peek into the WordPress Text Editor

Instead of the visual editor, the WordPress text editor gives you a direct view of your HTML. This is particularly useful when embedding raw codes, as it offers you more control and allows you to ensure that everything is presented as intended.

Section 7: Advanced Tips and Tricks

Have you mastered the basics? Ready to unlock advanced capabilities and take your raw code display to the next level? From using CSS for custom styling to applying advanced plugin features, we’ve covered you with these expert tips and tricks.


Displaying raw codes in your WordPress blog posts doesn’t need to be a Herculean task. With a touch of understanding, the right tools, and perseverance, you can effortlessly share your code-centric wisdom with the world, enhancing your blog posts and captivating your audience.

The key takeaway? Embrace the tools at your disposal and make WordPress work for you. Discover the secrets behind the efficient display of raw codes on your blog posts, and watch as your content climbs the ranks, seizing the attention of readers across the globe.


How do I upload my code to WordPress?

To upload your code to WordPress, you have a few options depending on the type of code you want to upload:

  1. Theme Customization:
    • You can modify your theme files directly if you have custom code specific to your theme. However, using a child theme to make these changes is recommended so your modifications won’t be overwritten when the parent theme is updated.
    • Create a child theme if you haven’t already. You can refer to the WordPress documentation for detailed instructions on creating a child theme.
    • Once your child theme is set up, you can navigate to “Appearance” > “Editor” in your WordPress dashboard. Select your child theme from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side and choose the file you want to edit.
    • Insert your code changes into the appropriate file and save the modifications.
  2. Custom Plugin:
    • If you have custom code that extends the functionality of your WordPress site, it’s recommended to create a custom plugin.
    • Create a new folder within the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. Give the folder a unique and descriptive name.
    • Create a new PHP file with the same name as the folder inside the folder, appending the “.php” extension.
    • Open the PHP file in a text editor and add your code to the file.
    • Save the PHP file.
  3. Custom Page Templates:
    • If you want to upload code specific to a custom page template, you can create a new PHP file that serves as a custom template.
    • In your theme or child theme, create a new file and give it a unique name, such as “custom-template.php.”
    • Add your custom code to the PHP file, including any necessary template tags or HTML markup.
    • Save the PHP file.

After uploading your code using one of the methods mentioned above, you may need to activate the child theme or the custom plugin. Once activated, your custom code will be executed by WordPress, affecting the appearance or functionality of your site.

Remember to test your code thoroughly and make backups of your WordPress site before making any changes to ensure you can revert to a previous state if needed. Additionally, it’s essential to follow best practices, such as adhering to coding standards, maintaining security, and avoiding conflicts with other themes or plugins.

How do I manually code in WordPress?

To manually code in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a local development environment: Install a local server like XAMPP or WAMP on your computer to create a local WordPress installation. This allows you to experiment and make changes without affecting your live website.
  2. Access the WordPress files: Locate the folder where you installed WordPress on your local server. Typically, it’s in your local server installation’s “htdocs” or “www” directory.
  3. Understand the WordPress file structure: WordPress has a specific file structure. The critical files and directories you need to know are:
    • Wp-content: This directory contains themes, plugins, and uploads.
    • Wp-admin: It includes the backend files for managing your WordPress site.
    • Wp-includes: Core WordPress files are stored here.
    • wp-config.php: This file contains the configuration settings for your WordPress installation.
    • functions.php: This file is located inside the active theme’s folder and is used to add custom code to your site.
  4. Choose a theme or create your own: WordPress uses themes to control the appearance of your website. Select a pre-built theme from the WordPress repository or create your custom theme. If you create your own, create a new folder inside the “wp-content/themes” directory and add necessary template files like index.php, style.css, etc.
  5. Customize your theme: Open the functions.php file within your theme’s folder to add custom functionality. This file allows you to add hooks, filters, and custom PHP code to modify how your theme works. You can use WordPress actions and filters to extend or override default functionality.
  6. Create custom templates: If you want to create custom page templates, duplicate an existing template file (e.g., page.php) within your theme’s folder and modify it as needed. This allows you to create unique layouts for specific pages.
  7. Modify CSS and JavaScript: To customize the appearance and behavior of your theme, you can modify the CSS and JavaScript files. The stylesheets are usually located in the theme’s folder, while JavaScript files can be added directly to the music or using the wp_enqueue_script() function in the functions.php file.
  8. Test your changes: Once you’ve made your modifications, save the files and refresh your local WordPress site in your web browser. Check if your changes have been applied correctly and test the functionality to ensure everything works as expected.
  9. Transfer changes to the live site: After you’ve tested your changes locally, you can transfer them to your live WordPress site. This typically involves uploading modified theme files or using a file transfer protocol (FTP) client to transfer the files directly to your web server.

Always keep backups of your files and database before changing your live site. Be cautious when modifying core WordPress files, as it may cause compatibility issues or be overwritten during future updates.
