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email to wordpress

Complete Guide to Using Email to WordPress Effectively: The Power of Communication

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The Ultimate Guide to Harnessing Email to WordPress

Engaging with your website’s visitors, and more importantly, keeping them connected, has always been paramount. As the digital world spins faster, it’s crucial to master all tools that promote your brand, boost engagement, and foster loyalty. Email to WordPress, a powerful yet often underestimated tool, is our spotlight today. Let’s dive deep into its intricacies and implementation and unlock its potential.

email to wordpress

Decoding the Essence of Email Links

Email or mailto links are interactive hyperlinks that instantly open the user’s email client when clicked. It pre-populates the recipient’s email, subject line, and possibly the email body, facilitating instant communication or action.

The Power of Email Links in WordPress

  1. Instant Connection: With a single click, visitors can connect with you, send feedback, ask questions, or even initiate a business proposal. It’s about tearing down communication barriers and providing a direct channel.
  2. Controlled Conversation: Pre-defined email subject lines or body text guides the conversation, ensuring you receive relevant and to-the-point messages.
  3. Versatile and Personalized: From posts, pages, and widgets to pop-ups, embed email links anywhere and make your WordPress site more interactive and personalized.

Creating an Email Link in WordPress: Step by Step

Using Gutenberg Editor

In the fast-paced world of WordPress, the Gutenberg editor brings convenience, simplicity, and functionality to the table. Here’s how you leverage it for creating email links.

  1. Add Text: Type your text (e.g., ‘Contact Us’) in the Gutenberg editor. Highlight the text you wish to hyperlink.
  2. Hyperlink Option: Click on the hyperlink icon appearing above your highlighted text.
  3. Insert Link: In the box, insert your email link in the following format:
  4. Add Email Subject: To add a pre-set email subject, modify the link like this:

Using HTML

For seasoned WordPress users, HTML offers an advanced, flexible method to implement email links.

  1. Write Code: Open the page where you want to insert the email link. Switch to the ‘Text’ tab to enter the HTML code. Enter the following: <a href="">Contact Us</a>.
  2. Subject Line: Add a subject line to your email link as follows: <a href="">Contact Us</a>.
  3. Email Body: You can even add body text: <a href="">Contact Us</a>.

Tips to Enhance the Power of Your Email Links

Email links in WordPress are potent tools, but with the right strategy, you can augment their impact.

Combatting Spam: A significant challenge with email links is exposure to spam. One solution is using a contact form plugin that protects your email while maintaining seamless communication.

Optimize User Experience: Make your email links recognizable and enticing. Use clear, enticing language to invite clicks. Add an email icon next to your link to make it visually appealing and intuitive.

Email Link Plugins: Various WordPress plugins provide advanced features and functionalities for email links. Exploring these plugins could add an extra dimension to your communication strategies.

Email links in WordPress form a vital bridge connecting you with your audience. The journey might seem simple, from their creation to their optimization, but the impact is profound. Unleash their power, elevate engagement, and propel your WordPress site to newer heights.


How do I send an email to WordPress?

If you need to send an email to WordPress support or reach out to the WordPress team for any inquiries or support-related matters, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the WordPress Support Website: Go to the official WordPress support website at
  2. Navigate to the Forums: On the support website, you will find various forums to post your questions or concerns. These forums are categorized based on different topics: installation, troubleshooting, themes, plugins, etc.
  3. Search for Existing Solutions: Before posting a new question, it’s a good idea to search the forums using relevant keywords to see if someone has already asked a similar question or if there are existing solutions to your issue. This can save you time and provide instant answers.
  4. Create a New Topic: If you couldn’t find a solution in the existing threads, you can create a new topic by clicking on the relevant forum category and then selecting the “Add New” or “New Topic” button. Provide a clear and concise title for your topic that accurately describes your issue or question.
  5. Compose Your Message: Explain your issue or question in detail in the topic’s body. Be specific and include relevant information, such as your WordPress version, theme, and any plugins you use. Provide precise steps to reproduce the problem if applicable.
  6. Submit Your Topic: Review your message for accuracy and clarity once you have composed it. If satisfied, click the “Submit” or “Publish” button to post your topic to the forum. It will then be visible to the WordPress community and support volunteers who can assist.
  7. Monitor Your Topic: After submitting your topic, monitoring it regularly for responses or additional questions from other users or support volunteers is essential. Check your forum account for notifications or revisit the forum page to see if there are any replies to your topic.

It’s worth noting that WordPress primarily relies on community support through forums. While there is no direct email contact for WordPress support, the media are a valuable resource where you can seek assistance from the WordPress community and experienced users.

What email does WordPress use?

WordPress itself does not have a built-in email service. Instead, it utilizes the email capabilities provided by the web server where it is installed. This means that WordPress relies on the email server configuration of your hosting provider.

The specific email setup can vary depending on your hosting environment and configuration. In most cases, WordPress uses the default PHP mail() function to send emails. The PHP mail() function sends emails to the server’s email server.

However, relying on the PHP mail() function for sending emails from WordPress can have limitations, and emails sent this way may sometimes end up in spam folders or not be delivered at all. This is because the PHP mail() function does not provide advanced features like authentication and proper handling of deliverability issues.

To enhance the email capabilities of WordPress and improve email deliverability, it’s recommended to use an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service or a dedicated email service provider. SMTP plugins, such as WP Mail SMTP, enable you to configure WordPress to send emails using an external SMTP server.

Using an SMTP service, you can ensure that your emails are sent through a reliable and adequately authenticated server, increasing the chances of successful delivery and minimizing the risk of being flagged as spam.

Popular SMTP services include Gmail SMTP, SendGrid, and Mailgun. These services often provide easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up and configure them with your WordPress site, usually requiring SMTP server credentials and authentication.

Remember to check with your hosting provider or review their documentation to understand the specific email setup they offer or recommend for your WordPress site.
